Handgun & Shooting Fundamentals
- Built from content from the USCCA curriculum, this is a welcoming and engaging training guide designed to reach students who are brand new to firearms and those who are ready to learn more about defensive shooting. Basics and fundamentals will be introduced, reviewed, and then built upon. We will also explore situational awareness, common types of handguns, ammunition types, malfunctions, firearms handling skills, and defensive pistol fundamentals. Whether you’ve never touched a firearm, you’re looking for the next steps in your training, or you’ve chosen to learn about the skills, tools, and mindset needed to use firearms for self-defense, you can be prepared to carry confidently every day. This is also a great way to gain confidence with a firearm before taking the LTC course. We currently offer two levels of this curriculum. Level 1 (HSF1) is designed for beginners and is our Handgun 101 course. This is where you should start if you are new to shooting a handgun or want to start at the beginning. We cover all the features on a handgun; teach you how to safely load and unload the magazine and prepare the gun to fire; go over all range safety rules; and teach you the six shooting fundamentals. Then we put it all together and have you shoot a bunch!!
- You will need to bring 100 rounds of target ammo for your firearm for this class. Class fee is $100.00/person - Class Duration: ~3 hours Level 2 (HSF2) Reviews the basics but then moves into more advanced skills such as dealing with malfunctions, reloads, engaging multiple targets, shooting under stress. You should have a moderate level of experience with basic shooting to take Level 2. This is also a great way get comfortable before you take the License to Carry (LTC) course. This is an intermediate level class and HSF1 is a prerequisite.
- You will need to bring 100 rounds of target ammo for your firearm for this class. Class fee is $100.00/person - Class Duration: ~3 hours Don't worry if you don't currently own a handgun. We bring a variety for you to try. No charge for the use of the gun, but we do need to charge for the ammunition for those guns. Check with us for current pricing* Upcoming Class Dates
- We will add more dates soon...
- Women only, or private group classes are available by arrangement. Get a group of 6-8 people together and book your private class date.
- Class Instructors: Chris Schmidt, DS Defense Training Jacob Schmidt, DS Defense Training Bill Hopkins, Pragmatic Tactical Solutions James Fitzgerald, Black Moon Firearms